Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Birthday 'bumps'

28?? Oh my God! Its a crazy figure.. suddenly making me realize that the big three-oh is not that far now. But I wonder why should it make so much of a difference? Almost as if a clock is clicking somewhere in my mind and the alarm is just about to set off!! Sounds like a nightmare really and it probably would be... however much I claim the thirties to be a graceful age. Why did I ever feel that I shall always be 25?? And why should it matter? And why do I still feel 25, like life has just started to become more settled and I do not want to rock the boat! Where did all these years go anyway?? And how?

Time. Quietly slipping away while I was looking elsewhere. And mocking me for not noticing her while she was. Am glad this moment is freezed here for some time to come. So that when this post goes into archives, I can still look back and believe I did all that I could and more. A timely reminder to enjoy the moment now and stop worrying! For when we are worrying, we only consume what's ahead of us, of the unknown, of what's not even happened.

And time will never slip away then. But 'present' in any moment I choose to look around.


  1. you are so right-time is passing by,and yet we rarely seem to seize the moment, stop to smell the roses and take in what's 'now'. Instead-we are charging on to the to-do lists for tomorrow and stressing about a future crisis which may not even happen. We are such masochists!!But then again-Is that what some would called 'preparation'? Dont we need that every now and then?

  2. I know what u mean darling... but why dread?? why not think we can age gracefully? Why this fight to look and act younger? As long as we are young at heart, it shouldnt matter.
    You know what? I met this 81 year old gentleman the other day in work who was more 18 in his spirit!! It was heart warming to see him.
    And the 'prep' for the future would probably come when we live the present fully... no? And stop worrying for the future! :)
